kiR: An Overwhelming First Day

August 18, 2023

On Monday, August 14th, the brand new roster for the talent team was assembled for the first time at the Astralis Headquarters, meeting organization staff and seeing each other face to face for the first time.

Over the past few weeks, the Sports Director, Kasper Straube, and the Head of Performance Coach, Jan Ø. Jørgensen, have worked diligently to assemble a new powerful talent lineup containing young talent and more experienced players.

On August 3rd, the last two players of the Astralis Talent roster were announced: Emil "kroK" Wiedermann from Atlantic and Richart "ANSG1" Nielsen from Exzentriq.

They joined the other new additions, Andreas "kiR" Kirstein and Jason "JBOEN" Boe Nielsen.

Excited About Their First Assembly

On August 8th and 9th, the new talent roster competed in the CCT North Europe Series 7 Closed Qualifier for the first time.

Following the competition, kiR and kroK, who had only been communicating online until then, were clearly excited at their first assembly on Monday.

They both took some time to describe the initial gathering of the talent lineup and their visit to the headquarters.

kiR: Met with a Professional Setup

An impressed kiR stated that he was overwhelmed by the professional setup that he and his new teammates experienced on the first day of their inaugural boot camp:

- It has been an overwhelming day. We were met with a very professional setup, giving us the confidence one needs as a talent player. It's nice to know on the first day that the organization supports and wants to help you.

- And, of course, meeting your teammates in person for the first time is always great. We have spent a little week together online, but it's different when you get to put faces to names and are together all the time. It creates a further understanding and dynamic when you get closer to each other.

Subscribe to Astralis Newsletter for Exclusive Content

Get kiR's thoughts on his new role and personal goals with Astralis Talent in this week's exclusive interview available in the Astralis Newsletter.

The new Talent roster: Richart "Ansg1" Nielsen, Emil "KroK" Wiedermann, Jason "JBOEN" Boe Nielsen, Mikkel "MistR" Thomsen, and Andreas "kiR" Kirstein (from left to right).

Playing Ball and Having Fun

With the main team arriving this week for their weeklong and monthly boot camp at the headquarters, the two rosters seized the opportunity to bond.

Together with the Sports Director, they took some time to get to know each other.

The guys, therefore, headed down to the parking lot to play some ball and share a laugh.

Together with the Sports Director, the main team and talent lineup took some time to get to know each other.
With both teams at the Astralis Headquarters, the guys seized the moment to head down to the parking lot to play ball and laugh.
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