Watch 'Get To Know jabbi': "This was my worst experience as a pro"

June 9, 2024
anders funder

jabbi has been on fire recently, delivering stellar performances. The 20-year-old lurker and CT rotation player's recent ESL Pro League S19 showings speak for themselves.

In the next episode of our "Get To Know" series, jabbi takes center stage, discussing the massive disappointment following our squad's failed Major qualifier at the Europe RMR B and how he and the team have been rebuilding since then.

Additionally, br0, ruggah, and dev1ce receive kind words as jabbi talks about the team's new role distribution.

jabbi has seamlessly settled into his new roles on our Main team, now playing under the legendary AWPer Nicolai 'dev1ce' Reedtz, the newly appointed in-game leader. Together, this fierce Danish duo made waves at the LAN event in Malta, scoring 75 points over two maps against Liquid in the quarter-finals to secure a semifinal spot against Vitality.

jabbi's Stats Against Liquid
  • Rating: 1.25
  • Kills (hs): 36 (20)
  • Assists: 1
  • ADR: 74.0
  • K-D Diff: +12
  • FK Diff: +2
  • KAST: 73.8%

In the Group A upper bracket final against 3DMAX, jabbi boasted an impressive 2.15 rating on Ancient and consistently posted solid stats throughout the LAN tournament in Malta.

jabbi's ESL Pro League S19 Stats
  • Rating: 1.20
  • Impact: 1.23
  • KAST: 74.2%
  • Deaths per round: 0.61
  • Kills per round: 0.81
  • ADR: 80.0

jabbi: "We had to get back on track quickly"

"Getting knocked out of the Europe RMR B was probably the worst experience I've had as a player—it was extremely disappointing in many ways. It was far from the result we hoped for and far from acceptable. Of course, we should have qualified for the CS2 Major in Copenhagen," jabbi states.

"That said, there's nothing to do but get back on track as quickly as possible. And lately, it has been fantastic! The confidence is high, and we've played many great matches. We've built strong teamwork in the new lineup, where we have great communication," he adds.

jabbi notes that it doesn't help to dwell on defeats for too long.

"Because you often end up in a dark place. It's important to lean on your family and friends to start seeing things positively again."

"The same goes for the entire team, where we've welcomed a new head coach and made a fresh start. We've introduced br0 to the lineup and dev1ce as our new IGL, plus stavn and I have taken on new roles. We've truly wiped the slate clean, and both our sports director and coach have been vocal about their views and the values and philosophies they wish to implement," says jabbi.

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