The Next Generation Of Astralis Talents Are Coming

January 19, 2021
Click for Danish

The next generation of Astralis talents are coming

In mid-November, Astralis Group announced a strategic investment in Astralis Talent. Founded on a healthy, balanced, and professional approach for performance optimization, Astralis Talent is developed to create an internal recruitment platform and sparring for the Counter-Strike and League of Legends A-teams and to ultimately form new top players.

Today, Astralis Talent can reveal the two first talent rosters. Starting January, the teams will participate in relevant Danish, regional, and international tournaments.

Kasper Hvidt, Director of Sports, Astralis Group:

- Our coaching team has been working with a list of prospects but ever since we first revealed our plans, we’ve literally had hundreds of inquiries from interested players and parents. It’s been fantastic to experience the curiosity and I believe we could put together 5-6 teams of skilled young talent.

- We have prioritized hard based upon on criteria that, besides game sense and technical skills, also revolve around personality and the ability and desire to lean how to work as a professional in a culture like ours. Here we strive to progress every day, not just as individuals but as a team and as a part of the entire organization.

- We will be using time and resources on developing and working with each player and it’s really going to require a lot from all of us. Just like with the A-teams, we have patience, though, and the goal is not to win everything from the get-go but to gradually improve as an organisation, team and individual players. We will most likely not develop player for the A-team the first 12 months, but we will improve and develop the methods, the teams, the culture and each player so we can achieve long term goals for both the organization but also the individual players, says Hvidt

Astralis Talent Counter-Strike

  • Head of Talent/head coach: Dennis ”VNG” Vang
  • Volunteer: Mathias ”spdr” Dohn


  • In-Game Leader: Mathias “R0nic” Pinholt, 19
  • AWP: Andreas “void” Dietrichsen, 17
  • Rifler: Rasmus “zyph0n” Nordfoss, 16
  • Rifler: Mads “vester” Vestergaard, 18
  • Rifler: Victor “vigg0” Bisgaard, 21
  • Rifler: Mikkel “MistR” Thomsen, 16, begins Summer 2021

Astralis Talent League of Legends

  • Head Coach : Mikkel Donby
  • Second Coach : Anders Schultz
  • Team Manager, all LoL teams : Mads Nansen


  • TOP : Carl ”Carlsen” Carlsen, 15
  • JUNGLE : Mikkel “Mixsi” Bay-Schmidt, 16
  • MID : Mikkel “Rylle” Rylander Christiansen, 19
  • ADC : Kasper ”Kadaver” Müller Nielsen, 19
  • SUPPORT : Benjamin ”RotteBengi” Mahler Jørgensen, 18

News and more information on Astralis Talent, players, teams and tournaments will be updated on

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