Talent and Women Recap: 2x Group Stage Winners

March 15, 2024
  • Date: March 11, 2024
  • Tournaments: POWER Ligaen Season 25
  • Livestream: Catch all the action at Astralis Watch

The Talent and Women's squad both placed first in their respective POWER Liga Divisions after the final day of play was concluded yesterday, March 11.

Backstab to Avoid Overtime

The evening began on Nuke versus Preasy Rising, who fought for a spot in the top four—meaning a victory was necessary for the opponents.

Despite having already secured a playoff spot, the Talents were still aiming for first place.

Andreas "kiR" Kirstein and Co. led 12-8 and had the game all wrapped up, but they allowed Preasy Rising to get a bit too close as they came back in the game 12-11.

Fortunately, a three-person vent pop and a backstab from Alexander "tOPZ" Miklagard were enough to close the game 13-11.

Result: 13-11 vs. Preasy Rising (Nuke)

  • Jason "JBOEN" Boe Nielsen achieved the highest rating (1.49)
  • tOPZ had the highest frag-count on the server (24)


A Strong CT Side

Afterward, XI Esport Awaited on Anubis in the final game of the regular season.

XI Esport proved to be a tough opponent in the first half, taking a 7-5 lead on their CT side. The Talents responded greatly by tying the match 8-8 until they eventually won 13-10.

Result: 13-10 vs. XI Esport (Anubis)

  • Richart "ANSG1" Saleela Nielsen topped the Talent side's charts with a 1.26 rating and a 19-14 K/D.
  • kiR was the sharpest shooter, with 67% of his frags being headshots.

What's Next?

  • The Playoffs is set to begin on Monday, March 18 and ends on Wednesday, March 20.

First Defeat This Season

The Women's roster faced Emerge Main in the 4th Division of POWER Ligaen.

Despite playing one of their favorite maps, Vertigo, the Women were defeated 7-13. This was the squad's first defeat of the season.

Result: 7-13 vs. Emerge Main (Vertigo)

  • Marie "marie" Toft had the most opening kills (4)
  • Nick "Weber" Weber from Emerge Main topped the scoreboard with a 1.48 rating
  • Josefine "josefine" Jensen had the highest headshot percentage (73%)

Ending With a Win

AaB Female was the last opponent of the season, and the match was played on Anubis. After only ten rounds, at a 7-3 score, josefine had 15 frags, 3 deaths, and 1.30 average damage per round.

Alongside Anja "anja" Soelberg, who ended the match with 19 frags, the blue-shirted players grabbed a 13-8 victory to end the season.

Result: 13-8 vs. AaB Female (Anubis)

  • josefine and anja went hand in hand on top of the scoreboard as both reached 19 frags.
  • marie was impactful on Anubis as she achieved a KAST of 90%.


What's Next?

  • Facing Guild in ESL Impact Season 5 on March 21 at 19:30 CET.

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