Ramping Up Ambitions: Astralis W Welcomes Three New Players

July 16, 2024

Today, Astralis Women welcome three new players, all recruited from ex-Guild Esports.

Thea "pullox" Evensen, Linnea "Nea" Claesson, and Katharina "KiTKaT" Bauenmand join Danish talents Marie "Marie" Toft and Isabella "Ismo" Ferslev.

From the top left: marie, KiTKaT, Ismo, Nea, pullox.

Sports Director Kasper Straube:

"The signings underline our commitment to women's team with the ambition of competing at the top level. All players bring experience, talent and in-game quality, and together with the coach, they will help elevate the entire team and our two young players, who have already shown great potential."

"Linnea, Katharina, and Thea have been playing together for some time and know each other's personalities and playing styles in Counter-Strike. This is a clear strength, but they are also joining an organization with clear gameplay philosophies and values.

Behind the Scenes with the two new additions, pullox and Nea.

"It will require effort from both sides, but we have had many good conversations with really great energy and a clear desire to improve individually and as a team. I have no doubt that we will see a new top level in the team within a relatively short time."

"With the addition of the three new players and Marie’s and Isabella’s contract extensions, we are in a very strong position heading into the autumn. We have five strong personalities who will not only represent the women's team but also play a significant role in Astralis' public image. I am excited about this from a sporting perspective, but also on all other levels," says Kasper Straube.

Behind the Scenes from photoshoot with the new squad.

The team is already in the midst of their first boot camp, where they, along with the main team and Astralis Talent, are working on gameplay philosophy, culture, and the red thread that runs through Astralis, both in sports and within the organization as a whole.

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