POWER Ligaen Recap: Playoffs, Here We Go!

November 20, 2023

In the Group Stage's final week, the Talent and the Women's team both had something to fight for.

It was all about securing enough points for the Talent squad to advance to the playoffs, while Aurora "aurora" Lyngdal & co. fought for survival in Division 4.

Swift Victory

To begin the evening, the Women's squad faced the bottom of the league, Halstedhus.Masonic. The red-shirted players prevailed in a powerful 16-5 victory on Overpass. 

The captain, aurora, led the troops with an incredible 1.51 rating and a 20-9 kill-to-death ratio. Anja "anja" Soelberg made herself noticeable by earning 22 frags - the most on the server.

aurora and anja prevailed in a comfortable 16-5 victory.

An Intense Survival Game

Next up was Sørby Immortals, who was also fighting to keep a spot in Division 4 and nearly had the same number of points as the Women's team.

It became a long and intense battle on Ancient, as both rosters gave everything they had, but ultimately resulted in a double-overtime victory, 22-19.

Isabella "Ismo" Ferlev, Josefine "josefine" Jensen and Marie "marie" Toft all gained over 30 frags each, and the first mentioned player was the highest rated on the team with 39 frags, 11 first kills and a 1.16 rating.

Ismo was insane on Ancient and helped the team reach the finish line first.

aurora's squad earned enough points to avoid relegation by winning this intense matchup, meaning they'll stay in Division 4 of POWER Ligaen.

The Women's team avoids relegation this time around.

Talents Slipping in Overtime

The Talents had a close match as well against Sashi Esport on Inferno in their first fixture of the day. Despite a flying Mikkel "MistR" Thomsen, who reached 31 frags and a 1.33 rating, they suffered a narrow defeat in overtime, 16-19. 

A tight game results in a defeat despite an amazing performance from MistR.

A Conclusive Final Match

Things were to change as MASONIC Academy joined the server for the Talents' last Group Stage match - a vital match if they wanted to advance to the playoffs.

Jason "JBOEN" Boe Nielsen definitely showed up on Ancient, as the AWP'er claimed a 23-10 kill-to-death ratio and a fantastic 1.38 rating. Just a few steps behind him were MistR, who also played a huge role, with 21 frags, 95,2 average damage per round, and a 1.13 rating.

The rest of the squad did their thing as well, which meant that the victory was claimed for the Talents, 16-10.

JBOEN and MistR were crucial in the final game of the Group Stage.


Those three points were crucial as three teams were tied with 24 points: Astralis Talent, CEPTER BITSKINS, and IMA PROBLEM. One team would be disappointed with only two spots left in the playoffs. 

CEPTER BITSKINS took the first of the three spots as they had won the most matches internally between the remaining teams.

Luckily, Andreas "kiR" Kirstein and his roster claimed the final spot as they were better internally than IMA PROBLEM and had a bigger round difference.

Astralis Talent qualifies for the playoffs.


Sashi Esport, who won the Group Stage, will be the first obstacle in the playoffs semi-final on December 2nd at 14:00.

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