NAL Stage 2 Starts Today

June 15, 2022

Just 23 days ago, Astralis went head-to-head against DarkZero Esports in the Six Charlotte Major, competing for the title of World Champions in Rainbow Six.

Today, we are back again in stage 2 of the North American League, battling for a playoff spot. Our first match is against Soniqs at 00:30 CEST (June 14, 22:30 UTC).

Looking forward, we'll be playing the following matches before the playoffs begin:

  • June 14 vs. Soniqs
  • June 15 vs. Parabellum Esports
  • June 21 vs. Mirage
  • June 22 vs. TSM
  • June 28 vs. DarkZero Esports
  • June 29 vs. Oxygen Esports
  • July 5 vs. XSET
  • July 6 vs. Beastcoast
  • July 12 vs. Spacestation Gaming

For Stage 2, the focus areas are, amongst other things, Improving our defensive win rate and dealing with success. We were not expected to win in the previous season, but now expectations are much higher, and we need to learn to deal with that.

Fun Facts from Stage 1 of NAL 2022

Fun Fact 1: All five players finished Stage 1 with < 1.0 rating, indicating a balanced team

Fun Fact 2: Forrest is the only player in the top 8 of plants to have a positive K/D ratio.

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