Ustun Qualifies For Next Stage Of eChampions League

February 15, 2021

Grinding Through eChampions League

Over the weekend, almost the entire Astralis FIFA team were involved in the eChampions League.

Feldman played through Stage II, while Agge coached Ustun through his matches. Following some impressive plays on the latter's behalf, Ustun qualified for the next stage of the tournament.

With his focus on the eChampions League, Ustun's Weekend League results ended up a bit lower than his average at 23-4, with a few games missing. Agge is keeping his form and only lost 2 matches this week, finishing at 28-2. Teca is likewise showing slight improvements in her Weekend Leagues, this time, she locked in at 21-9. Feldman, who also completed his Weekend League alongside the eCL tournament, finished with an almost perfect score of 29-1.

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