dev1ce To Miss the Shanghai Major RMR, br0 returns

November 14, 2024

Due to illness, Nicolai "dev1ce" Reedtz won't be a part of the Main squad at the upcoming Shanghai Major RMR Europe B, but the backup is ready with Alexander "br0" Bro returning to the team.

We wish Nicolai all the best and a speedy recovery.

Despite minimal preparation, the team has worked hard during the last week of practice and Alexander has adapted well.

The 22-year-old is focused and determined to deliver his best alongside the rest of the team in Shanghai, beginning with our opening match versus 9 Pandas on November 21, 2024.

Director of Sports Kasper Straube comments on Alexanders return:

-"We're grateful for his willingness to help us in a challenging situation,and how he's stepped into the team's practice has been a pleasure to follow."

-"It's clear that, despite being benched, he's kept his CS level consistent and looks ready to perform with the team in China."

Preparing for Shanghai

The focus is now on integrating Alexander into the playstyle of our IGL Casper "cadiaN" Møller' and the team.

- "Right now, the mood in the team is filled with determination. We all understand that we're heading to China to qualify for the Major, even though the circumstances are different without Nicolai and of course, it’s a challenge to replace a player like him before one of the most important tournaments of the year.
We all understand that Nicolai's health comes first, so it's up to the rest of us to solve a difficult situation." says Kasper Straube.

-"We know that we have the quality, and even though Nicolai is a fantastic player and human, we must believe that we can go through the RMR without him. We must remember that Alexander is a player who knows the routines, and his capabilities are something we need to utilize to the max. I see Casper as a leader who knows how to get the most out of his team and I am confident that he will showcase that with Alexander as well.”

We hope to see the fans excited, and the team is working hard to perform their best at the upcoming Shanghai Major RMR Europe B. Something the Director of Sports invites the fans to do.

-"We're in a difficult and unwanted situation, but you must believe in us. It's under these circumstances that we need the fans to back the players, coaches, and the whole team."

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