Red Cross Youth on the team jersey

September 19, 2023

At the ESL Pro League, the players of Astralis will for the first time be playing with a new logo on the chest: Danish Red Cross Youth.

This is a part of an agreement between the two organizations, which will provide valuable exposure across all of Astralis' Counter-Strike teams and digital media.

The two parties have previously worked together on projects and campaigns for the benefit of Danish children and young people, and the new agreement will display the shared values between the organizations in a way that will be seen wherever in the world Astralis’ Counter-Strike teams go.

Jonas Wiederholt Larsen, national representative of Danish Red Cross Youth

- We are so happy and proud to be working together with Astralis. We share the values of creating positive communities and experiences for young people, and we know that the online communities are of great values to a lot of many young people in this country. The same goes for many of those who join to our activities and events, says Jonas Wiederholt Larsen.

Sidsel Nybo Andersen, senior consultant for partnerships at Danish Red Cross Youth

- For the Red Cross Youth, it is important that our partners match our values and our positive communities.

- Our work with Astralis and the exposure we are now given can do a lot for us and our work, and it help us reach a target group of young men, which we often find difficult to reach when we seek new volunteers or promote social activities for this target group. We have previously worked with Astralis around other projects, and we look forward to taking this even further, says Sidsel Nybo Andersen.

Anders Hørsholt, CEO of Astralis:

- The work that Danish Red Cross Youth do for young people in Denmark matches the values we in Astralis strive to promote every day. As we have for a period freed up the main position on the jersey, it was only natural for us to reach out and support the enormous efforts for Danish children and young people that is done by Red Cross Youth.

- The logo will be found on the shirts of all our Counter-Strike teams and across our digital channels. Initially the logo will be on the chest of our first- and talent team, while our women's team will have the logo on the sleeves. We will also contribute to activation and events across the two organizations.

- Astralis is as much gaming culture as we are esports, and we look forward to supporting the work of Danish Red Cross Youth, where it comes natural in relation to our physical and digital activities, says Hørsholt.

At the ESL Pro League, the players of Astralis will for the first time be playing with a new logo on the chest: Danish Red Cross Youth.


Danish Red Cross Youth (URK) is Denmark's largest humanitarian youth organization.

  • Its activities range from mentoring, homework help and youth clubs to holiday camps, hospital cafes and shelter communities.
  • The organization's young volunteers are also present at asylum centers and residential institutions, and they visit schools and social housing buildings to teach conflict management and Life Skills.
  • Danish Red Cross Youth is an independent organization under Danish Red Cross and part of the international Red Cross movement.
  • Red Cross Youth therefore also has activities in 11 countries in addition to Denmark.

Danish Red Cross Youth

  • More than 4,000 volunteers run almost 300 activities throughout the country.
  • Around 10,000 children and young people in vulnerable life situations participate.
  • URK has activities in 11 countries in addition to Denmark.
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