Astralis Talent: Welcome to JBOEN and kiR

July 27, 2023

Today, the new head coach of Astralis Talent can reveal two of the new faces in the squad: Andreas "kiR" Kirstein and Jason "JBOEN" Boe Nielsen join the team with immediate effect.

Alexander "alexsomfan" Nielsen, Head Coach of Astralis Talent:

- The task is quite simple: We must build on the work that has already been done at Astralis Talent and be even better at taking advantage of the very skilled and experienced organization around the Counter-Strike teams. On the team side, we must build a roster with the right mix of young talent with great potential and experience that can be developed further within our framework.

- Therefore, it is both gratifying and important that we can already put a tick next to two names from the top of the list. While "JBOEN" is undoubtedly a huge talent who needs time to develop, "kiR" comes with much more experience. However, "kiR" also has the potential for much more and I see a future, really skilled In-game Leader in him.

- We are putting the last pieces in place, and I expect we can present the full roster very soon. It is important that we get the last pieces in place, as we have a lot of tasks ahead of us and big ambitions with the team and for the players, says the Head Coach.

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