Astralis Talent League Of Legends Fighting Through First Tournament

February 11, 2021

Both new Astralis Talent Teams have entered their first Tournaments

The Astralis Talent League of Legends team have played their first official match in the Telia Esports Series this weekend. On Sunday, they went up against Fløng Esports Elite, where they, unfortunately, lost 0-1.

The tournament has only just begun however, and the young guns will have another chance to prove themselves later today, Monday, January 18, when they meet Protecting Guardians (PG esports) at 22:00 CET.

Astralis Talent has been placed in Group A, alongside Atlando, Guarp Gaming, Fløng Esports Elite and Protecting Guardians. Astralis Talent and their opponents for tonight, Protecting Guardians, are currently ranked 4th and 5th in the group.

Telia is streaming tonight's match from their own website.

Watch it here
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