Astralis Talent completes the team card

August 3, 2023

Over the past few weeks, the Sports Director, Head of Performance and the Coach have worked to put together a new Astralis Talent roster with new, young talent and more experienced players.

With today's two signings of 18-year-old Emil "KroK" Wiedermann and 16-year-old Richart "Ansg1" Nielsen from Atlantic and Exzentriq respectively, the goal has been reached, says

Sports Director Kasper Straube:

- It has been important for us to build a balanced roster in terms of experience, existing quality and potential. We’ve been busy, but I am impressed by the work everyone has put into mapping out the possibilities and prioritizing players in terms of composition, roles, experience and talent.

- That is why I am also extra proud that we can now present the last two players, as they are exactly who we prioritized for their specific roles. Even though it is a brand new team and things do take time, Emil "KroK" and Richart "Ansg1" each bring energy desire and talent that we will be obvious from day one.

- At the same time, they have both shown a huge commitment to coming to Astralis, and if we can just transfer some of that motivation to the team, it we won’t be lacking on positive energy.

- Mikkel "MistR" has had several opportunities to switch to other teams, also on a somewhat higher level, but I am really happy that for now he has chosen to dedicate his efforts to Astralis Talent, where he will be one of the cornerstones around the team culture and performance.

- Mikkel, together with Alexander "kiR", will be the experienced players who, together with the three young guns Jason "JBOEN", Emil "KroK" and Richart "Ansg1", will form the new Astralis Talent team. Developing talent is not a thing you do overnight, but this is a really exciting team and I do believe we will meet our own high ambitions, says the Sports Director.

- At the same time, I would need to give a lot of credit to the Danish talent scene and the dedication you feel on all levels. If we can continue to work together, we have a bright future ahead of us, says Kasper Straube.

The team will meet up for the first boot camp later this week.

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