Astralis Talent Achieves First Points

September 27, 2022

Astralis Talent's POWER Liga Season 21 campaign started yesterday September 27th with 3 matches scheduled that evening, resulting in 2 wins and a loss.

Our season debut was played on Overpass at 18:00 CEST vs Flames Ascent. With the whole team stepping up we managed to secure a 16-12 win in a close match where our temporary returned player cajunb achieved a fascinating 1.34 rating 1.0.

Directly after the first match we faced off against Struggletony on Inferno, unfortunately leading to a 13-16 loss. Patti took charge by reaching an amazing 27 kills with 7 of them being 'First Kills'.

Two hours later, at 22:00 CEST, the team was hungry for another win - this time against Tricked Esport. The hungriest of the players was jarko, who helped the team tremendously in the 16-8 victory by acquiring 26 kills and a 1.59 rating 1.0.

The current Astralis Talent roster:

  • Patrick "Patti" Larsen
  • Kristoffer "kristou" Aamand
  • Alexander "Altekz" Givskov
  • Nicklas "jarko" Rasmussen
  • René "cajunb" Borg (stand-in)
  • Mikkel "MistR" Thomsen (stand-in at the main team during RMR)
  • Peter "casle" Ardenskjold (coach)

Astralis Talent's next POWER Liga fixtures are scheduled on Monday, October 3rd. The first match is starting at 20:00 CEST.

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