Astralis Goes Undefeated To Playoffs In Rainbow 6 Major

May 19, 2022

Ripples across the pond

Astralis Rainbow Six placed 1st in the NAL (North American League) standings to qualify for the Charlotte Major with only 1 loss out of 9 games - and they are not showing any signs of slowing down.

On May 17 the team qualified for playoffs after going undefeated through the group, 4-0.

This puts Astralis in the Charlotte Convention Center on May 20 in front of a roaring crowd with $500,000 on the line. A challenge the team seems ready for when you look at David 'iconic' Ifidon who is leading the MVP race at the prestigious tournament.

Astralis is the second team to qualify for the Major following Oxygen Esports. 6 other teams will join them at the live venue where the Charlotte Major Champion will be crowned. First and foremost, the team has one last match in the group stage against BDS on Wednesday, May 18.

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