Astralis FIFA turn focus

November 18, 2021

Just like the game itself and the scene around FIFA is under constant development, so is Astralis FIFA. While awaiting the development in the pro scene around tournament structure and the ecosystem, Astralis will turn the focus towards Female FIFA, where we already have one of the best, if not the best female players in the world.

Stephanie “Teca” will be the leading player and continue her active role as Astralis ambassador, while we will be working together with our three others to find the possible options and new teams for them going forwards. “Ustun,” “Agge,” and “Skifter” will be playing for Astralis until further, with all the support and back-up they are used to. They are all allowed to seek new opportunities actively.

We are proud to continue being an active part of the FIFA community and to continue our work with “Teca” and, in time, possibly others, to push for better conditions for all in the world of FIFA.

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