Astralis FIFA Presents New Set-Up With Big Ambitions

July 2, 2021
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Astralis FIFA Presents New Set-Up With Big Ambitions

When FIFA22 is released in the Fall of 2021, Astralis will go all in on creating the best possible environment for the team which consists of three former- and current World Champions and new talent.

August 'Agge' Rosenmeier transitions into a playing-coach role with the responsibility of developing the players and the team. Astralis FIFA has also extended the contracts of Fatih Ustun and Stephanie 'Teca' Luana while the team says goodbye and thank you to Roee Feldman.

Kasper Hvidt, Director of Sports, Astralis:

- I'm very excited about the new set-up. It will utilize August's vast experience, insight, and network. I'll be working closely with him in regards to team composition and he is going to take over the daily training leadership of the team.

- At the same time I'm very happy that we have reached an agreement with Fatih and Stephanie who, like Agge, have won World Championships. We strive to win big titles already in FIFA22.

From September 1, Astralis FIFA consists of:

August 'Agge' Rosenmeier, Coach and Player

Fatih Ustun, Player

Stephanie 'Teca' Luana, Player

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