Astralis and DI Partner Up

The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) is now teaming up with world-renowned Danish company Astralis to analyze the potential of digital competition entertainment and support the industry's development in Denmark. The purpose of the collaboration is to anchor esports in DI and shape the framework in the rapidly growing billion-dollar industry, where Denmark and Astralis are pioneering countries.

March 31, 2022
Click for Danish (extended)

Astralis and The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) is now teaming up to analyze the potential of digital competition entertainment and support the industry's development in Denmark. The purpose of the collaboration is to anchor esports in DI and shape a visionary framework in the rapidly growing billion-dollar industry, where Denmark are among the pioneering countries.

Maria Krüger Torp, Head of DI Tourism and Experience Economics:

- Astralis has put Denmark on the world map when it comes to professional gaming. Danish esports is already making its mark on tourism and the experience industry in Denmark, and with the proper framework, we can go much further. Esport is in itself an overly narrow description of the widely branched industry, and the Danish narrative about the profession must be redefined, just as we must have mapped its growing societal value and potential. We will start this work immediately.

With a completely new commercial approach to digital competition entertainment, an impressive reach, and a unique activation of followers, Astralis has today become an international frontrunner. Together with DI, Astralis is now expanding its existing position, and the collaboration will promote the industry's opportunities for further growth within the entertainment industry.

Anders Hørsholt, CEO of Astralis:

- Denmark has achieved a unique position in the field, which enthusiasts and professionals have built up for many years. At Astralis, we see enormous potential in expanding the business. We like to join forces with other strong actors in developing the industry and the way we create business. DI is a great in this regard, says Anders Hørsholt, CEO of Astralis.

Founded in 2016, Astralis has left a significant mark on the world map of competitive entertainment in record time. The company has professional teams and players in Counter-Strike, League of Legends, Rainbow Six, Fortnite, and FIFA; and has built digital channels with millions of followers on top of that. The latest endeavor is Astralis Nexus, a 1200 sqm flagship with entertainment, gaming, and teaching in the middle of Copenhagen as a neighbor to DI on Vesterbrogade in Copenhagen. The new collaboration is formally anchored in DI Digital and DI Tourism and Experiences.

Maria Krüger Torp, Head of DI Tourism and Experience Economy - tel. 2625 6230
Steen L. Laursen, Director of Communications - tel. 6143 8922