suma and sSen: It's so cool to be a part of Astralis

May 4, 2024

On Wednesday, May 1, we announced that Astralis Talent has recruited two young talents, Elliot 'suma' Nissen-Jørgensen and Simon 'sSen' Solnæs.

Both newcomers to Astralis Talent have been welcomed with great enthusiasm.

Elliot "suma" Nissen-Jørgensen: 

"It's an amazing feeling. In many ways, it's a huge boyhood dream come true to be signed to Astralis Talent, and I hope that Astralis and all the people I already sense are working around the team will help shape me as a player. It will require a lot of work from my side, but now that the first dream has been achieved, the hope is, of course, that one day I can play on the biggest stages!"

Simon "sSen" Solnæs: 

"I am, of course, super happy and proud to be able to represent Astralis. My first priority is to develop as a player, and I'm confident that Astralis Talent is the right place for that. I also hope that we win a lot of matches. Winning POWER Ligaen would be huge, and I hope we can achieve great results in international tournaments. It's going to be exciting!"

The roles on the team will initially be as follows

  • IGL: kiR
  • AWP: ANSG1
  • Lurk: suma
  • Anchor: sSen
  • Map control: kroK

The new team's first match is Thursday evening. In United21 Season 15, Astralis Talent will face off WOPA Esport.

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