Roster Update Day at Astralis Talent

May 1, 2024

Today, we say goodbye to Jason "JBOEN" Boe Nielsen and Alexander "tOPZ" Miklagard and welcome the two newcomers Simon "sSen" Solnæs and Elliot "suma" Nissen-Jørgensen to Astralis Talent.

Jan Ø. Jørgensen, Head of Performance, shares his thoughts: 

"First and foremost, a huge thank you to Jason and Alexander, who have been extremely loyal and outstanding representatives for Astralis. Jason has been with us longer, and there's no question about his talent or commitment to the team. He has a bright future ahead, and he's well-liked within the organization, so this is more of a 'hope to see you again' than a 'goodbye.' Both players have earned our highest respect, and we wish them all the best."

On the arrival of the new players, Jan Ø. Jørgensen notes: 

"We're excited to have captured two young players with significant potential. Despite his young age, Simon 'sSen' Solnæs has already made a name for himself and has chosen to join Astralis Talent. We've had our eye on him for a while, so we're thrilled he's accepted our offer. Elliot "suma" Nissen-Jørgensen was also on track to join a prominent international organization's academy team. Both players bring valuable experience from competitive leagues, and it's no accident we're focusing on Denmark's youngest talents."

Jan Ø. outlines the team's new strategy, saying:

"We are taking on a new approach to talent development, placing a strong emphasis on young players who not only possess the necessary skills but also the mental resilience to thrive under Astralis's guidance. This will result in a younger team fully integrated with our main team's operations. We believe in the potential of these young talents and are confident in our ability to nurture and advance them significantly."

The team roles are set as follows:

  • IGL: kiR
  • AWP: ANSG1
  • Lurk: suma
  • Anchor: sSen
  • Map control: kroK

The team's first challenge with this new lineup will be against WOPA Esport this Thursday evening at United21 Season 15.

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