Astralis' Tour of Denmark 2023: A Chance to Meet Your Idols

November 8, 2023

This December, fans of Astralis have a chance to meet their idols from the main Counter-Strike team as blameF and his teammates embark on the 2023 Tour of Denmark. 

From December 1st to December 3rd, the stars of Astralis will visit the four largest cities in Denmark, kicking off in Aalborg and culminating at Denmark's most exciting gaming hub, Astralis Nexus, in Copenhagen.

A core value of the Astralis organization is community engagement, valuing the worldwide support that fuels the team's quest for glory, as they are currently demonstrating in Shanghai.

To acknowledge this support, the players, performance team, and organization are excited to connect with fans through meet-and-greets across Denmark. Attendees in Aalborg, Aarhus, Odense, and Copenhagen can look forward to autographs, selfies, and personal interactions with their favorite players. Additionally, fans can participate in giveaways, contests, and various events. And as a special highlight, the upcoming Astralis pro jersey will be on sale.

From December 1st to December 3rd, the stars of Astralis will visit the four largest cities in Denmark, kicking off in Aalborg and culminating at Denmark's most exciting gaming hub, Astralis Nexus, in Copenhagen.

Tour Schedule – Denmark 2023

Friday, December 1st
  • From 16:00 to 18:00 CET: Meet Astralis at Elgiganten in Aalborg (at Vandmanden 5)
  • Head coach Peter "casle" Ardenskjold will be visiting our event in Aalborg

Learn more about the Aalborg visit on Facebook.

Saturday, December 2nd
  • From 10:00 to 12:00 CET: Meet Astralis at the Hummel store in Bruuns Galleri in Aarhus
  • The first team's assistant coach Mathis "R0nic" Pinholt will be visiting our event in Aarhus
  • From 13:00 to 17:00 CET: Meet Astralis at Elgiganten in Odense (at Gørtlervej 11)

Learn more about the Aarhus visit on Facebook.

Learn more about the Odense visit on Facebook.

Sunday, December 3rd
  • From 11:00 to 13:00 CET: Meet Astralis in familiar surroundings at Astralis Nexus, Denmark's coolest gaming hub, for a grand OMEN signing session at Nexus

Learn more about the event at Astralis Nexus on Facebook.

The events on the 2023 Denmark Tour are held in collaboration with our partners Elgiganten, Hummel, and OMEN.

Participation in all events is free of charge.

dev1ce: Always Great to Meet the Fans on Their Home Turf

Our superstar AWP'er, Nicolai "dev1ce" Reedtz, is looking forward to the Denmark tour this year, just like his teammates:

"It's always great to travel around the country and meet the fans on their home turf. We are always greeted with enormous love and warmth by all the people who show up, and to be honest, I'm always surprised by how many come out to greet us."

"We're used to having a lot of fans present when we play in the big international tournaments, but there's something really special about traveling around Denmark and meeting the Danish fans who come out just to see us. The Denmark tour is a tradition that everyone in Astralis looks forward to, and I hope we can make December and Christmas a bit more fun for all the fans," says dev1ce.

What's happening? 

  • There will be signing sessions with the players where it's possible to get autographs or selfies. 
  • There will be contests and giveaways in all cities. 
  • ministerN will stream LIVE on Astralis Watch from the weekend's events, so all fans who can't make it can still follow along throughout our Denmark Tour. 

NOTE! Be sure to arrive early, as we only have two hours available per event location. For the same reason, we may, in the worst case, have to turn people away if they arrive just before the event is due to start – but we certainly hope that will not be necessary.

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